23 Oct 2011

Lessons learned this week........

I seriously want to start keeping this blog up to date & write some things down that I want to share but it is so hard to find the time I need to do it!

Having found the time to listen to most of the talks from General Conference this last week in addition to the Sunday morning session I was able to attend, thanks to the miracle of internet & a wonderful phone, I am living in hope that my time management skills will improve a bit as I learn to apply some things I've felt inspired to do!!!!!?

These include deleting unnecessary applications from my HTC that have distracted me recently like the 'angry birds' game that I was secretly becoming slightly addicted to in 'spare moments' that turned into longer periods of time!

Also deciding to stop watching Xfactor!

Already I have been able to spend time getting a few things straight that I have meant to do for ages so I am feeling a little encouraged at least!

Goodnight for now :-)